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Re: Any Implementation of S-HTTP available


On Tue, 6 Jun 1995, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:

> On Mon, 5 Jun 1995, Greg King wrote:
> > At 08:10 PM 6/4/95 -0700, \\Steven C. Dabbs wrote:
> > >
> > >I've got a copy of httpd modified for SSL running here, was from
> > >like ftp.psy.uq.au , can't offer it to you, because i'm in the u.s and 
> > >that would be a no-no. It appears, without a certificate from RSA, it 
> > >wont work with netscape, but that can be gotten easily enough, i hear.
> > >
> I tried to reach this site and it didn't appear to exist.  Is this the 
> correct URL?
> -Alex-
> _____________________________________________________________________________
> S. Alexander Jacobson             Internet                Virtual Office Inc.
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